ISLAM Moors. I am infinite. 🇲🇦Owner of Dedication Catering - Oahu Hawaii & Compton CA based. We provide high quality fresh picked produce into fine dining experiences to the hood . Creator of #YourTasteBudsAreNotYourGod. A book & workshop helping you create a healthier life. Executive Director of the compton community garden,- we teach you how to grow organic food, access resources and build community gardens from the ground up. ceo of Divine Spirit Design & Engineering. We bring symbolism and affirmations to the fashion industry & teach graphic design. A community infrastructure developer : Vice President of @holistic.divine.innovations - we teach self sustainability and how to organize your community, create structure and access all the resources that are available. founding board member of the @ComptonArtistsAlliance. We create an economy for artists. I live in Compton & Hawaii. Go watch my YT series that teaches you step by step how to eat healthier Go purchase your fav plant based cook books $DedicationDS
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